Saturday, August 15, 2009

i love all of you

ive never been so sure of love
the way you treat and love me
has never been felt before
then why am i so scared
scared to love you fully
filled with fear for commitment
i want to be with you forever
just the little things to get to there
drive me motionless
eyes frozen fists clutched very tight
i feel the air dispersing from my lungs
my chest caving in
i cant see whats ahead of me
my feet have come unglued from the floor
i want you to take away my fear
but maybe slower than i thought
the time has come for me to love you forever
i want to be with you forever.

contemplation for you

my head wont stop spinning
the world seems so fuzzy and far
from touch and reality
what i always wanted is in front of me
why im i so afraid to grip it
holding it so tight not letting go
but holding it away just enough
to pull from it if needed
why doesnt life come with instructions
everyone has an opinion and a judgement
but yet they dont want no one else judging them
mostly i run mostly i fall
mostly i hide behind it all
not stepping out and approaching it head strong
fear taking over me
trembling and shaking taking over my life.
i crave for the day to not give a damn
give a damn what you say or feel
only follow my dreams and make them reality
what would make me happier than most.
yet if suffer like the others
in this place i do not call my own
sitting and wandering what could possibly be better
than having you by my side
creating this life for us.